Digital Alarm (DA) Provides read/write access to digital data and lets you set and acknowledge alarms.
Analog Input (AI) Provides read/write access to analog data and lets you set alarm limits Analog Register (AR) Provides read/write access to analog data only when a Data link connected to the block appears on an operator display. Analog Alarm (AA) Provides read/write access to analog data and lets you set and acknowledge alarms. You should always save the config file under \\Local folder Named the config file as same name as your project name LOCAL folder Filenameĭatabase = Central repository that manages : Data Acquisition, Alarm, Analog Scaling. Ignore the other options Click OK when finish Click yes when this dialog appears.ġ3 System Configuration – 5. Steps : Local Node Name : Node Name (Mandatory, max 8 chars) Logical Node Name : optional, for redundancy purpose Configuration File : project configuration file, * should be located at \LOCAL, * should be named as project name, * always has SCU extention. Local Start UpĬonfigure Node Name and Project Configuration File. Select the filename Find WORKSPACE.EXE Set the Start Up Mode to Normal Click Add button to confirm Click OK when finishġ2 System Configuration – 4. There is one mandatory task that we have to add into the list : WORKSPACE. Some default listed tasks are mandatory, can not be eliminated, such as : IOCNTRL, WSACTASK, SUMQDEL. Task ConfigurationĬonfigure tasks to be started when project are started.
In most cases, you need Simulation Driver (SIM & SIM2) for these purposes : Simulation / Internal (Local) : 0000 – 9999 (analog) or register:bit (digital) Random Value : RG Ramp Value : RA Analog Input RA, RD, RE, RF, RG, RH Analog Output RJ, RY, RZ Analog Register RA, RD, RE, RF, RG, RH, RJ, RY, RZ Digital Input RB, RC Digital Register RB, RC, RI, RK, RXġ1 System Configuration – 3.
Steps : Enable the SCADA support Click the IO Driver to select Driver Click OK when IO Driver selected Ignore others entries Click OK when all drivers are selected select driver Answer “Yes” when this dialog appearedġ0 System Configuration – 2. Steps : Change Project Path Click “Change Project” button Answer “Yes” for Generate iFIX Default Files Answer “Create All” for next dialog Answer “Proceed” for next dialog Wait until finish and path configuration will be closed project path change projectĩ System Configuration – 2.
Path ConfigurationĬonfigure place to hold project files. System Configuration Database Configuration Picture Development Alarm Configuration Trend Configuration Security Configuration Introduction to Script (VBA) Backup and Restore Application Shortcutħ System Configuration – Creating New ProjectĪccess : Start | Proficy HMI SCADA – iFIX 5.5 | System Configuration Steps : File | New Configure | Path Configure | SCADA Configure | Task Configure | Local Startup File | SaveĨ System Configuration – 1. IO Driver Controller Controller Each iFIX Project must (at least) contains of above components. V = Viewer (iClient) Connect to Server Monitor and Control S = Server Has all Viewer Functionality Data Collection from Industrial Controller Data Calculation and Data Storage Development C = Industrial Controller Server and Viewer can be easily networked together to seamlessly share data.ĥ Project Components Project Picture Database System Config Controller Scallable and Fully Networked HMI/SCADA : Data Acquisition Data Display Alarm Management Trending Database Logger Scripting Recipe NetworkĤ System Architecture Based on Client-Server architecture : SCADA systems are used to monitor and control a plant or equipment in industries such as telecommunications, water and wastewater process control, energy, oil and gas refining, transportation, etc. Presentation on theme: "Proficy HMI/SCADA iFIX – Basic Course"- Presentation transcript:Ģ Introduction to SCADA SCADA = Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition, a system for gathering, control and analysing real time plant data.